These two
very important topics have been raised over the last two weeks as a result of several
incidents which have occurred in the County. I wish all adults, whether they be
officers, adult instructors or civilian assistants to be aware of the
importance which is applied to these. No one is immune from compliance and no
one is exempt from the consequences of failure!
As part of
our ongoing commitment to the Safe System of Training (SST- Safe Place, Safe Person,
Safe Equipment and Safe Practice) it is the duty of every one of us to ensure
that we are personally qualified and current for the job we are performing
within the ACF in Kent. This also extends to those individuals with responsibility
for weapons and equipment to ensure that such items are safe and serviceable and
that management responsibilities and checks are in place and working. We are
currently as a County underperforming with regard to our targets for Safeguarding,
which needs to exceed 90% of the County’s adults at any time. Indeed, none of
the personal annual mandatory tests, which count as “Safe Person” should ever
drop below 90%. Ample opportunity is provided through Adult Update weekends, at
Annual Camp and throughout the year at sub unit level to ensure we are always
fully updated. There is in short NO EXCUSE!
We should all
be aware of the very real reputational damage that can be caused by the
inappropriate use of social media to express grievances and to convey opinions
which do not reflect national or County policy, The rules for inappropriate adult
use of social media are regularly published on County Part 1 Orders and disseminated
through the Chain of Command, together with the sanctions for abuse. Please be clear, that the rules for use of social
media apply equally to cadets. Posting abusive or defamatory posts on media
sites such as Facebook, which threaten the reputation of the ACF, or the confidence
which parents and carers place in us will not be tolerated. The sanctions
applicable to cadets are no different to those sanctions that would be applied
to cadets for bullying, sexual misconduct or any other serious offence. Please
advise your cadets that if inappropriate posts have been added, they should be
removed immediately. I will allow February as a grace month before action is
taken. Please be aware that Facebook, whether on official ACF sites or unofficial
sites is policed regularly at national level. Inappropriate posts, including
pictures of Kent cadets have been posted and are to be removed!