It was a great pleasure to be able to visit the 4 Div Target Rifle Competition at Pirbright on Sunday and see our County Team win a place at Bisley later this year. There was some truly excellent shooting on the part of our cadets at distances of up to 500 metres.
I would like to thank the adults who gave up their time to enable the event to take place, namely Capt Roberts (County Shooting Officer), Maj Nisbet, AUOs Green and Moore and SSgt Blair.
Shooting is one of our core skills and one of the key attractions to cadets when they join. The target rifle sits at the top of the tree when it comes to shooting skills and I would ask all our adults to encourage cadets who have a desire to develop their shooting skills and/or get involved themselves!
County Badge Update: The Kent county map with Invicta superimposed seems to be gaining ground at the moment. Last few days to express a preference!