Monday 6 February 2012

The first six months and the priorities for 2012

Having had almost 6 months in post and having had the chance to look at the systems currently in place in the County I thought it useful to share some of my thoughts. Working on the principle that if "it isn't broken don't fix it" I see the priorities for action over the coming 12-24 months as follows:

1. Increase the uptake of older cadets on CVQO awards. It goes without saying that all cadets who fulfill the qualifying criteria should be registered and should complete the assessment package. BTEC awards add real value to the life chances of our cadets and engage directly with parents, schools and other stakeholders.

2. Improve the take up for the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme, at all levels. As with CVQO awards the County is currently behind the curve with the uptake and completion of awards well below the levels we should be achieving, despite the considerable personal efforts of Capt Woods and his team.

3. Further develop shooting as a core activity available to all cadets. The introduction of the new air rifle should be used as a stimulus to putting shooting back on the map. It goes without saying that shooting is one of the key incentives to joining the ACF, forms part of the overall "Cadet Experience" and is an excellent tool for so many disciplines. The County has had some notable achievements of late and I commend the Shooting Officer for his efforts.

Looking at these three areas, they should become our ME for development.

For adults, I wish to see major development in the sphere of potential officer training and development and with encouraging CFAV to develop AT skills and qualifications.

Across the County there is considerable talent, enthusiasm and expertise amongst the CFAV community and I am indebted to the staff who make things happen. There is however still room for improvement and development, particularly with uptake of activities by cadets and it is here that we all share a corporate responsibility.

I am pleased to report that it looks as though ACF County establishments will shortly change to include established posts at County Headquarters for our key disciplines - Shooting, BTEC, D of E and First Aid. I will provide more detail when I receive it.


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