Tuesday, 21 February 2012

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee

As we are all aware this year is The Queen's Diamond Jubilee, which we aim to commemorate here in the County. There will be a number of events at County and local level which you may wish to become involved in. Key to these will be:

QDJ Dinner on Saturday 2nd June. There has been considerable interest in this and I would urge any adults who have not yet committed to the event to do so. The points of contact for more information and tickets are the CEO and RSMI.

Dover Tattoo on Friday 1st June and Saturday 2nd June. the Dover Tattoo is the Main Effort event for 2 Bde to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and as such we will be involved. It is likely that our commitment will be to support the Families Day on Saturday, between 1100 and 1600. B Coy will take the lead, with A Coy prepared to support.

Jubilee Beacon lighting at Dibgate on Monday 4th June. More details to follow.

If you are planning on getting involved with Jubilee events as a Det or Coy at a district or local level remember to pass them through the CoC in the normal way as for for any other training or community engagement event.

As you know a commemorative medal (the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal) has been approved and can be worn now as a miniature. The full size medal will be issued to eligible personnel from June onwards and will be awarded to adults at a suitable event. Details confirming who is eligible to receive the medal with be confrimed by CHQ very shortly.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

ACF Familiarisation and Assessment Package

As I am sure you are all aware by now there are changes afoot with regard to the way we select potential adults to join the ACF. This is a national change in policy and procedure and one which I am confident will be delivered in Kent by September 2012.

In short the key aims of the new process will be:

a. To ensure that all potential CFAVs are subjected to a rigourous assessment process which provides auditable evidence of how they were selected (or rejected) prior to enrolment and training.
b. To provide candidates with full details of the commitment and expectations as CFAVs in Kent ACF.
c. To provide a common approach across all ACF counties, giving commanders assurance that the selection process is fit for purpose and able to withstand scrutiny.
d. To prevent the waste of resources that occurs when potential CFAV fail to complete induction and training.

I expect to be able to brief the Bde Comd at Annual Camp on Kent's progress with implementing the new package, which has to be in place and working by 01 Sep 12. There will inevitably be some changes in the amount of work, time and logistic resources required to implement the package and would ask all CFAV and PSS to work together for a successful implementation.

Full details can be found at LF/PSC/CADETS/2604 dated 26 Jan 12.

Monday, 6 February 2012

ACF Commandants' Conference

The first national ACF Commandants' Conference since 2010 took place at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst over the weekend of 04/05 Feb 12. The overall tone of the conference was extremely positive, set against the national picture of contraction of public expenditure.

Introduction: The cadet movement is at a very exciting stage in its development, but with some key issues to face. The good news is that spending on the ACF (and other cadet forces) has been protected within the overall MOD expenditure reductions. New Terms & Conditions of Service (TACOS) for adults are being developed and the Defence Youth Engagement Review (DYER) will present opportunities. On the not so good news officer manning is critical and encouraging and supporting potential officers through the Cadet Forces Commissioning Board (CFCB) has to be a priority (see my last post!). That said, there is considerable interest in the cadet forces (with 500 adult joining enquiries and 2000 cadet enquiries per month). We also need to be prepared for possible expansion into schools in the County, should the green light be pressed.

On the G4 front I am sure that you are aware of the impending issue of MTP uniforms to CFAV and cadets, which is due in September 12 and the issue of Gortex waterproofs (hopefully in time for camp), a new 45litre rucksack and the cadet training vest. We have already recieved the new air rifle and there will be a replacement for the No 8 rifle in the form of a small bore target rifle.

In terms of how we go about doing our business we should be always be open to joint opportunities with other cadet forces, whether that be sharing of resources, training or facilities. I  am aware that this is already happening in the County and should be encouraged and supported. New cadet buildings will almost entirely be joint (consider St Mary's Bay and Faversham as prime examples).

Once the full minutes of the conference are produced I will ensure they are made available throught he CoC.

The first six months and the priorities for 2012

Having had almost 6 months in post and having had the chance to look at the systems currently in place in the County I thought it useful to share some of my thoughts. Working on the principle that if "it isn't broken don't fix it" I see the priorities for action over the coming 12-24 months as follows:

1. Increase the uptake of older cadets on CVQO awards. It goes without saying that all cadets who fulfill the qualifying criteria should be registered and should complete the assessment package. BTEC awards add real value to the life chances of our cadets and engage directly with parents, schools and other stakeholders.

2. Improve the take up for the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme, at all levels. As with CVQO awards the County is currently behind the curve with the uptake and completion of awards well below the levels we should be achieving, despite the considerable personal efforts of Capt Woods and his team.

3. Further develop shooting as a core activity available to all cadets. The introduction of the new air rifle should be used as a stimulus to putting shooting back on the map. It goes without saying that shooting is one of the key incentives to joining the ACF, forms part of the overall "Cadet Experience" and is an excellent tool for so many disciplines. The County has had some notable achievements of late and I commend the Shooting Officer for his efforts.

Looking at these three areas, they should become our ME for development.

For adults, I wish to see major development in the sphere of potential officer training and development and with encouraging CFAV to develop AT skills and qualifications.

Across the County there is considerable talent, enthusiasm and expertise amongst the CFAV community and I am indebted to the staff who make things happen. There is however still room for improvement and development, particularly with uptake of activities by cadets and it is here that we all share a corporate responsibility.

I am pleased to report that it looks as though ACF County establishments will shortly change to include established posts at County Headquarters for our key disciplines - Shooting, BTEC, D of E and First Aid. I will provide more detail when I receive it.