Op REFLECT is the Army's approach to the First World War commemorations and is a national
commitment identified in LF Op Order13/3 dated 12 Dec 13, involving a 5 year programme of events. The national focus, as directed by the PM is on
youth and that includes the cadet forces. Please be quite clear that Kent is sure to be in the “front line” of events because of its geographical
position and as the main route way to France & Belgium during 1914-1918.
Scale of
– “Step Short” Folkestone 04 Aug 14. Led by The Lord Lieutenant. This WILL involve the ACF and the whole
County, but ME towards A/B Coys. Start trawling for cadets with great
grandfathers/great great grandfathers in the war. The BBC will want details for TV
Coy/Sqn Level – support for town events. This may come as “last minute.com” and
we must be prepared to act accordingly. Close liaison with civic community,RBL,
etc will help minimise the last minute requests.
Level – Local projects for Dets, eg “adopt a war memorial, grave, etc, in
liaison with churches, parish councils, etc. Also see the National Project.
Battlefield Tours – 2 are so far planned for 2014 (KRE and D Coy). I expect ALL
sub-units to carry out a tour.
Remember, the war lasted from 1914-1918 so there will be ample opportunity to support
Battlefield Tours in other yrs, eg 2016 (100th anniversary of Battle
of Somme, 2017 – Passendale. I will approve funding to support Coy/Sqn
projects – Kent has a wealth of relics from WW1 from the “Secret Port” at Sandwich,
fortifications, the grave of Sir John French at Ripple nr Deal, etc that could
provide a focus for research and visits over the whole period.
This is likely to grow in significance in the run up to 2018.
I have produced a Warning Order and timeline for OCs.
National Project. Each ACF Det nationally is to research a WW1 local hero or person of
importance. A competition is being held for the best piece of research,
coordinated by the Regional Bdes and RFCAs. Kent ACF will run an internal
competition where the research will be presented via a PP presentation to a
County panel. This will take place at Annual Camp 2014. Our best will then go
forward to a 11 Bde panel in November and then the national finals in Dec 14.