Wednesday, 6 February 2013


Ladies and Gentlmen

You will by now be aware that our issue of MTP has arrived in the County and is being distributed via the CAAs on a one-for-one exchange with CS95. I fully expect that all CFAVs will be wearing MTP by the end of Feb, less any adults who have yet to supply their sizing sheets. And yes, brown boots will eventually be issued!

We will also shortly be issued with rank slides, which will be a generic "ACF" slide. I would like to canvas your opinion on the idea of producing a cloth County Badge for adults to wear. I am not convinced that we should procure a County rank slide as I am aware and support the strong Regimental and Corps loyalties which I know exist and are currently displayed on slides. A better option might be to go for a badge.
If we go ahead with a badge it would have to appear on the left arm (where Bde flashes usually go) and not on the right arm as it would not be a TRF.
My own thoughts would be for a Kent badge, with the white horse, probably on a red background in the shape of a shield. Something not unlike the badge at the top of this blog!
If we go ahead I would like to go to Annual Camp with a new collective adult badge, so I would welcome your thoughts over the next few weeks.
Could I ask regular (if there are any!) visitors to this blog to forward this post to colleagues so that we can gauge the feelings of a wide spread of the adult community.